06:01 May 26, 2022
'#renal #BUN #Creatinine  The video is an explanation of my renal function panel. It shows the BUN and creatinine in my blood results including the other compounds that are part of my renal function panel. I also talked about the possible reasons why some compounds are abnormal. I have shared list of foods that may help lower creatinine and BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen)  Disclaimer : I am NOT a DOCTOR. Always seek the advise of a renal doctor and a renal dietician and follow the recommendations of a specialist.  To learn more about low protein foods: click  https://depts.washington.edu/pku/PDFs2/ModifyingRecipesFoodList.pdf  Music: Relaxing Ballad Site: https://freepd.com/ License: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode' 

Tags: renal , CKD , chronic kidney disease , bun , Creatinine , Blood Urea Nitrogen , Function panel , how to lower potassium , how to lower protein , how to lower phosphorus , how to improve creatinine

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